Thursday, October 11, 2012

Part 6

Greza followed the soldier into the courtyard of the fortress.  Everywhere she looked she saw soldiers training.  Some were practicing marksmanship, others were practicing with swords or pikes in formation.  She also saw shields and clubs, which was peculiar because no current army used clubs or shields. 
Their uniforms were black but resembled some of the clothing she had seen.  They wore long shirts that went to the knee, high boots, elbow length gloves and round hats with flaps for the ears. A few wore archaic chainmail as well as heavy breastplates. 
The matchlock men also carried tall axes with one long, curved blade and they’d rest the barrels of the guns on the top of the axes to steady their aim. 
All this she took in a glance as she was led to a side door of the courtyard.  Inside was a cold, dark, stone room with a lantern that was dim from filthy glass and a wooden desk with splinter and exposed nails.  Maps of all kinds hung from the wall as well as a few posters asking for recruits.  A one armed man sat behind the desk.  He had a white beard that went to his waist. 
“We got a new recruit here,” the escorting soldier said. 
The bearded man looked up from his papers and looked her over.  He then waived the soldier away.  After the door closed the man tapped the table and then picked up his quill pen. 
“What are you here for?”  The man asked. 
“I want to join.” 
“To fight.”
“Because I’m good at it.” 
He then asked her about her parents, diet, any illness and sexual activity. 
“A virgin?  I’ve seen more unicorns than virgins.  That aint no joke either.”
“It’s true.”
She didn’t want to explain how she remained so.  It hurt just to think about father.
“Have they explained terms of service and pay?” He asked.
She shook her head. 
“You sign a contract for two years.  At the end of those two years you can choose to sign back up for another two.  You will get ten Imperials a month not counting hazard pay or any other pay from circumstances.  We have rules here.  Don’t break them.  I don’t know what you’ve heard about mercenaries be we’re a professional army.  Act accordingly.  That means act like a soldier and don’t do anything stupid.”
She nodded that she understood. 
“Where you come from?”  He asked.
She didn’t want to say. 
“Be honest, girl.  We won’t return you to your masters.” 
That’s what he said but there was money to be made from finding lost slaves.  But she had decided to trust these people and pray for the best. 
"The Duchy Roristan.  In the Empire.”
“I know where Roristan is.  How long ago you escape?”
“Two weeks.” 
“And you came straight here?”
“You think you can fight?”
“I do.” 
“We get a lot of people that can think that.  What, you get into a few fist fights with your fellow slaves?”
“Gladiator?  Well I’ll be tossed down a well and pissed on.  You’re an entertainer that thinks they can fight.  Very cute.”
The man stood up with the help of his good arm and hobbled over to trunk that was covered in the black uniform shirts of the Company. 
“You’re a small size so…”  He said as he dug through the pile of clothing.  Then he tossed a shirt and pants at her.  “Try those on and tell me how they fit.”
She looked around and didn’t see a place to change for privacy.  She had read about this.  Soldiers didn’t get privacy.  So, she began to strip off her wet clothes right there. 
The man laughed.
“Damn, girl.  I was going to turn around.” 
He turned around and waited while she changed.  The shirt felt enormous and the pants felt too tight.
“Finished,” she said.
He turned back around and looked her up and down. 
“Sit down there and we’ll fit you for boots.” 
She sat down on the trunk and he went through three pairs of boots before finding one that fit right.  They felt stiff and stifling.
“You got bigger feet than I expected,” he said. 
She wondered if that was good or bad. 
He had her get up and walk around a bit before making her sign a paper with everything she’d been given.  He took her wet clothes and everything else and threw them in a basket. 
“You’ll get those back when you finish training one way or another.  If you fail out, we can always use more cooks.”
The thought of ending up as a cook was horrible.  She did not escape and come all this way to be a cook.  Father said she had a great destiny ahead of her and she was going to make that come true. 
He then handed her a bag and put in doubles of everything she had already received. 
“The rest of your gear will be given to you by your training platoon,” he said.  “Now, do you swear to obey your superiors?”
“I do.”
“Swear to uphold the honor of the Chimera Company and always act within guidelines?”
“I do.”
“Swear to not steal, cheat, hurt or dishonor you fellow soldiers?”
“I do.”   
He then shoved a few more papers at her that she had to sign.  She signed in her curving Dark Elf script and handed them back.
“Well, Greza, welcome to the Chimera Fortress.  You’re not a member of the Company until you finish training.  Once that happens you’ll be sworn in officially.  I hope your stay is longer than most.  Your training sergeant will explain all the rest.” 
Then she was pushed out of the room and back out into the cold courtyard.  He waved down one of the soldiers that was idly smoking a pipe.  It was a human with a short beard and messy dark hair.
“Take this new recruit to barracks R-1,” the one armed man said. 
The solider rolled his eyes and stood up. 
“Follow me,” he said. 
Greza held her bag with both arms and followed close behind him.  He weaved through the different units until he came to a door at the far side of the courtyard.  That opened to a staircase that led down below the ground and then a long hallway with several doors spread far apart. 
It felt as if she were entering a new world, maybe the underworld from the Holy Scrolls.  For the first time she began to wonder if she was making the right decision. 
At the very end of the hall was a door marked “R1.”  The man opened the door and stuck his head in. 
“Hey, Vick.  We got a new one for you,” the soldier said.
And then without ceremony he pushed her inside. 
She found herself face to face with a room full of men and a few women.  They wore black uniforms like she was now wearing and were sitting around playing cards, dice, talking or laughing. 
An older man, a large, rugged Human, stepped forward.  His uniform had silver stripes, badges and patches. 
“What little runt do we have here?”

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